Day 30: Forgiveness: The Measure of Love

Posted on Thursday, February 29, 2024 by K-LOVE Pastors

Daily Faith Challenge

“Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted 
you so that God will be given glory.” – Romans 15:7 (NLT)   

As Jesus entered and sat down at the table, the engagement appeared to be uneventful, until, amid the busyness of the preparations, someone noticed that a sinful woman was pouring oil on Jesus' feet. All the pharisees were disgusted at Jesus for allowing such a woman to touch Him like this. Then Jesus shared a story which concluded by saying, “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown Me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” (Luke 7:47 NLT) 

In many ways, you and I are like the sinful woman who was unaware of the weight of her sins until she truly grasped Jesus' forgiveness. When you comprehend His immense grace, a worshipful response wells up within, prompting profound love for Him. Like the forgiven woman, your heart will swell with joy, knowing every sin that burdened you is paid for. 

So, when Romans 15 says, “accept each other just as Christ has accepted you,” it's an invitation to extend the same transformative love to others. Embracing Christ's acceptance, we're called to embrace equally flawed people, recognizing their value in His eyes. Our understanding of God’s immense forgiveness becomes the foundation for fostering genuine connections, echoing the love Jesus modeled with the forgiven woman.

“You and I are like the sinful woman who was unaware of the weight of her sins until she truly grasped Jesus' forgiveness.” 

Tip of the Day 

As you encounter others today, remember the profound forgiveness, mercy, and grace Christ has shown you. Let this awareness shape your interactions, fostering acceptance and understanding beyond worldly distinctions. 


Dear God, open my heart to comprehend the depth of Your forgiveness, the mercy, and the grace You've extended to me through Christ. Help me see others through the lens of Your love, accepting them as Christ accepted me. In Jesus' name, amen. 

Pause and Reflect 

How does realizing the weight of your forgiven sins impact your love and worship for Jesus? 

In what ways can you extend Christ's acceptance to others, mirroring His transformative love? 

How does embracing the forgiven woman's story inspire you to value and accept equally flawed people?


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