Positive People

 “I think the number one challenge of a pastor is...”

Positive People

The Heart Of A Pastor: Meet Stephen Cox - 'If People Only Knew The Burdens That A Pastor Carries Behind The Scenes'

'Just like everybody else has bad days and struggles, pastors do as well' ... Besides the blessings, 'there's a lot of pressures that come along with it.'

Photo Credit: Pastor Stephen Cox

Bob Russell served as the senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, before retiring in 2006. Since that time, he has devoted much of his time to mentoring young pastors.

Positive People

Imparting Wisdom: Bob Russell Shares Lessons Learned Over Nearly 60-Year Career With Young Pastors (+podcast)

Photo Credit: Lisa Russell Photography/Bob Russell Ministries

From Left to right: Pastor Alvin Love, III, Jasmine Love, Pastor CeCe Winans-Love, Pastor Alvin Love, II, Ashley Phillips, Kenny Phillips, Seated: Wyatt Phillips, Honey Rosa Love, and Rooney Phillips

Positive People

“What Do You Wish People Knew About What You Do As A Pastor?” Hear From Pastor Alvin Love, III, Nashville Life

Photo Credit: Pastor Alvin Love, III

Pastor Jack Midkiff, left, with his 3 children, Jackie Lee, Kinsey, and Gracie

Positive People

Tennessee Pastor Says His Own Grief And Loss Has Made Him a Better Pastor (+podcast)

Photo Credit: instagram.com/jack_midkiff

Have a news tip or an idea for a story? Submit your idea here.

Pastor Mark Buckley, Mark Buckley Ministries

Positive People

Pastor Mark Buckley: A Pastor To Pastors (+podcast)

Buckley was a product of the late 60's...drugs and wild living led him to being locked up in a mental hospital for a time

Photo Credit: Living Streams Church

Pastor Greg Laurie with actor Jonathan Roumie

Positive People

Pastor Greg Laurie Reveals The Help Pastors Need (+podcast)

"They're expected to be a scholar, a counselor. Most of the pastors I know want to be that but they fall short at times. They aren't able to do it all themselves..."

Photo Credit: Greg Laurie

Pastor Joedy a ‘pastor of pastors’

Positive People

Best Gift For Your Pastor? Your Involvement And Spiritual Growth

"I love to see people following Jesus in ways that produce stories.”

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Zapara family

Harvey the Husky

Positive People

Mom Drives 2,600 Miles To Adopt Dog With Lopsided Smile (+podcast)

Sherry Lankston says, “Not a single person, in the six months that he was there, had expressed any interest in him.”

Photo Credit: Sherry Lankston

Gary Miracle

Positive People

Only 1.7% 'Chance Of Survival,’ Amputations – Overcomer Gary Wants People To Know His Jesus (+podcast)

In “No More Bad Days,” Gary Miracle shares his fight for life

Photo Credit: Gary Miracle

A hundred women in pink surrounding Tonya Prewett in hot pink pants

Positive People

Tonya Prewett: Praying Mom Sees God Move Mightily On College Campuses (+podcast)

A movement called UNITE is impacting college students across the country with the message of Jesus.

Photo Credit: Tonya Prewett

Typewriters for creative writing?

Positive People

Old School Method = New Experience: The Value Of Creative Writing By Typewriter (+podcast)

Unlike smart tech, these writing machines require the user to provide the ‘smarts’

Photo Credit: Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School

Chi Alpha Pastor John Konkel

Positive People

God Told Me ‘Clean Toilets’ To Reach Campus Fraternities - It Worked (+podcast)

After that humble obedience years back: In the last semester alone, “we’ve seen 38 fraternity brothers come to know who Jesus is.”

Photo Credit: Chi Alpha/University of Minnesota

Oliver, age 14, has cerebral palsy, loves learning about Jesus

Positive People

People With Special Needs Learn About Christ, Even Lead A Sunday Service (+ podcast)

“You’re in the presence of the Lord at work and it draws you deeper into him.” – Jeremy, dad of special needs son

Photo Credit: Brooks Avenue Church of Christ

Sebastian Beal and his friends replenishing their local food pantry at Aldersgate Methodist Church.

Positive People

Texas Tweens Are Trading In Video Games To Help Their Community (+ podcast)

Meet the kid who is finding value in helping others and getting other area kids involved.

Photo Credit: Selena Cardona